Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Expressionism 1954-1984,” Artists’ Choice Museum, New York, NY, September 22 - November 10, 1984. $20
George McNeil: Abstractscapes and Figures (1985)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Abstractscapes and Figures,” University Art Gallery, Binghamton State University, NY, February 20 - March 31, 1985.
George McNeil: Abstractscapes (1985)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Abstractscapes,” Robeson Center Gallery, Rutgers, NJ, June 17 - September 13, 1985.
Publiched on the ocassion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Three Decades of Prints” Montclair Art Museum, Montclair, NJ, April 14 - June 23, 1990. $10
George McNeil (1991)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil,” Hirschl & Adler Modern, New York, NY, January 8 - February 2, 1991.
George McNeil: Bathers, Dancers, Abstracts (2002)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Bathers, Dancers, Abstracts: A Themed Retrospective,” ACA Galleries, NY, April 13 - May 11, 2002, Provincetown Art Association and Museum, MA, June 14 - July21, 2002.
George McNeil: Paintings (2005)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil: Paintings 1908 - 1995,” Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, New York, NY, February 8 - February 26, 2005.
George McNeil at Mid-Century (2006)
Published on the occasion of the exhibition: “George McNeil at Mid-Century,” ACME Fine Art and Design, Boston, MA, January 12 - February 18, 2006.
McNeil, George, Hananiah Harari, Jan Matulka, Herzl Emanuel, Byron Browne, Leo Lances and Rosalind Bengelsdorf, “We, the undersigned abstract artists...” letter, New York Times, August 8, 1937.
American Art Today, National Art Society, New York, 1939 (catalogue for New York World's Fair 1939).
American Abstract Artists, 1938 and 1939
American Abstract Artists. New York, 1946. Essays by L. Moholy-Nagy, Karl Naths, George L.K. Morris, Fernand Leger, A. E. Gallatin, and Piet Mondrian.
"McNeil Returns to Pratt." Arts Digest (New York) 23: 2 (October 15 1948), p. 15.
"Art / Space Impelled." Time Magazine (New York) Vol. LV, Issue 8 (February 20 1950), p. 60. (View Online)
Hess, Thomas B. “Is Abstraction Un-American?” ARTNews 49:10 (February 1951), 41.
Time Magazine, February 29, 1954, review of Egan Gallery exhibition and illus.
Feinstein, Sam. "Fortnight in Review." Art Digest (New York) 29, 5 (December 1, 1954), p. 23.
“Art Prizes awarded: Hofmann Entry Wins $500,” SF Examiner, March 29, 1956 Sec 1 p.12
Fried, Alexander "Three Modern Shows." The San Francisco Examiner (San Francisco), September 30 1956, p. 192.
Tyler, Parker. "Reviews and Previews: Brooklyn Arts Biennial." ArtNews(New York) 55: 1 (March 1956), p. 56.
McNeil, George. "American Abstractionists Venerable at Twenty." ArtNews 55:3 (May 1956), pp. 34–35.
Ashton, Dore. "Art: 'New York School,' Abstract Expressionist Style Used by McNeil, Who Shows Recent Work." The New York Times (New York), January 30, 1957.
Shuyler, James. “George McNeil,” ARTNews 55:10 (February 1957), illus. p.9-10.
Life Magazine, “A Master Teacher, 77-year-old German Painter, Hans Hoffmann, has influenced three decades of U.S. art,” March 8, 1957, illus. P.70.
Greenberg, Clement. “New York Painting Only Yesterday,” ARTNews 56:4 (Summer 1957), 86.
Sandler, Irving H. “George McNeil,” ARTNews 57:9 (January 1959), 12, illus. p.12.
Ashton, Dore. "Other Displays Here." The New York Times (New York), January 14, 1959.
McNeil, George. “Spontaneity,” IT IS, vol.3 (Winter-Spring 1959), 14-15, illus .p.23, 42.
Mellow, James R. "In the Galleries." Arts (New York) 33, 4 (January 1959), p. 58.
Read, Herbert and H. Harvard Arnason. "Dialogue on modern U.S. painting." ArtNews (New York) 59: 3 (1960), pp. 32-36.
Tillim, Sidney. "In the Galleries." Arts (New York) 35, 1 (October 1960), p. 61.
McNeil, George. “Cubism, Generate and Degenerate,” ARTNews 60:3 (May 1961), 43, 62-3.Review of Cubism and Twentieth Century Art, Robert Rosenblum.
Rosenblum, Robert. “Editor’s Letters,” ARTNews 60:4 (Summer 1961), 6.
Driscoll Jr., Edgar J. "This Week in the Art World." The Boston Globe (Boston), May 7, 1961, p. 79.
Kozloff, Max. "New York Letter." Art International (New York) 6, 2 (March 1, 1962), pp. 57–59.
Whitney Annual, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, NY, December 13 - February 4. Catalogue, illus. n.p.
Finkelstein, Louis. “Cajori: The figure in the scene,” ARTNews 62:1 (March 1963), 39, illus. P.39.
Briggs, Austin, Art Kane, Henry Koerner, George McNeil, and Charles T. Coiner. "To the Picture-minded, Who is Really Communicating?" In Communication; The Art of Understanding and Being Understood: A Report on the Seventh Communications Conference of the Art Directors Club of New York, Bach, Robert O., pp. 58–90. New York: Hastings House Publishers / Art Directors Club of New York, 1963.
Ashton, Dore. "West Coast Artists Score in Painting." Studio (New York) Vol 165 (February 1963), pp. 64–66.
Cross, Miriam Megan. “U.C. Lecture,” Oakland Tribune Sun, February 16, 1964.
"Figure Suggestions." The New York Times (New York), Sunday, October 25, 1964, p. 16 X.
Raynor, Vivien. "In the Galleries." Arts Magazine (New York) 39, 3 (December 1964), p. 68.
Levin, Kim. “George McNeil,” ARTNews 65:1 (March 1966), 17, illus. p.11.
Goldin, Amy. “George McNeil,” Arts Magazine 50:6 (April 1966), 66.
Bond, Richard. “McNeil on Display: Exhibit Offers Charm, Vibrancy,” The Daily Texan (Austin)(Sunday February 20, 1966), n.p
“Paintings by McNeil Exhibited,” Austin American Statesman, Sunday February 6, 1966.
“Paintings by George McNeil,” This Month in Central Texas, February 1966 to March 10.
Rose, Barbara. "Sensibility of the sixties." Art in America (New York) Vol 55 (January 1967), pp.44-57.
Rose, Barbara. American Art Since 1900 (New York: Praeger, 1967), p.145. illus. p.145.
Glueck, Grace. “Think Up a New Brand Name?” Art in America 55:5 (September-October 1967), 111, illus. P.109.
Glueck, Grace. "Paintings at Howard Wise Gallery." Art in America (New York) Vol 55 (September 1967), p. 111.
Burton, Scott. “George McNeil and the Figure,” ARTNews 66:6 (October 1967), cover, 38-39, 64-65, illus p.39.
Brown, Gordon. “In the Galleries: George McNeil,” Arts Magazine 42:2 (November 1967), 54-55.
Feidt, Thorpe (ed.). Red Crow #2, Gloucester, MA. 1973 (McNeil 54-57).
Rose, Barbara. “New York: George McNeil,” Artforum (November 1967), 58-60, illus. P.58.
McNeil, George. “Statement about painting by George McNeil,” by McNeil, 1967 Pamphlet to the exhibit “The Paintings of George McNeil. Howard Wise Gallery, New York, NY, September 19 - October 7, 1967.
McNeil, George. “Good Painting: Painting as Painting,” (catalogue of the exhibition) The Art Museum of the University of Texas at Austin, 1968, 6, 8, 10, 12.
Los Angeles Times, Sunday February 25 1968. p.52.
Freed, Eleanor. “A Windfall for Texas,” Art in America 57:6 (November-December 1969), 84, illus. P.84.
McLaughlin, Lillian. "A Guest Abstract Painter Delighted by Center Tour." Des Moines Tribune, Wednesday, June 11, 1969, p. 45.
Tamarind Institute, “The Tamarind Institute Report,” Number 16, March 1975.
Grove, Nancy. “George McNeil,” Arts Magazine 50:5 (January 1976), 15.
Walch, Peter. “American Abstract Artists,” Art Journal XXXVI/II (Fall 1977), 47-8, illus. p.48.
Pomfret, Margaret. “George McNeil,” Arts Magazine 52:5 (January 1978), 34, illus p.34.
Perreault, John. “Philip Pearlstein’s Naked Nudes.” The Soho Weekly News (April 20, 1978), 27.
“Artist to Attend Show To Open at MTSU,” The Tennessean, January 8, 1978.
Bulletin of the University of New Mexico Art Museum, number 11 1977 - 78, Albuquerque, 1978. illus. 25.
Kramer, Hilton. The New York Times, October 26, 1979, p. C1. Review of Dintenfass.
Kramer, Hilton. “Art View: Two Polemicists Respond to the Mood of the Times,” The New York Times, Sunday, January 18, 1981, Section D, 23, 26, illus. P.23.
Kramer, Hilton. “Saturday’s Guide to Gallery Hopping: George McNeil” New York Times. Friday, January 30, 1981.
Burton, Scott. “George McNeil at Gruenebaum Gallery,” Gallery Guide. January 1981. P.29 (Excerpts Burton 1967 Art News),
Ruhe, Barnaby. “George McNeil at 72,” Art/World 5:5 (January 16-February 18, 1981) 1,4, illus. p.9.
Newman, David. “George McNeil,” Arts Magazine 55:7 (March 1981), 24.
Ratcliff, Carter. “George McNeil at Gruenebaum,” Art in America 69:5 (May 1981), 145, illus. p.145.
Richard, Paul. “Kainen & McNeil.” Washington Post, December 17, 1981,
Schjeldahl, Peter. “Different Strokes,” Village Voice, January 21,1981.
Horowitz, Leonard. “The Artist’s Club,” Artworkers News II: 8 (April 1982), 10-11, photo of artist p.1.
Helms, Paul. “George McNeil Exhibit Opens at Museum,” The High Riser, December 9, 1982, 2.
Ratcliff, Carter. “George McNeil,” George McNeil: The past twenty years, 36 page catalogue of the exhibition at Museum of Art, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, December 6-31, 1982., pp.5, 7, 9, 11.
Hurlburt, Roger. "Paintings of George McNeil stimulate vision and memory." Fort Lauderdale News and Sun-Sentinel, Sunday, December 19, 1982, p. 4G.
Kohen, Helen L. “McNeil: finally Famous After All These Years,” Miami Herald, Saturday December 19, 1982.
“Arts and Letters Group Gives Annual Prizes to 5,” The New York Times, April 22, 1982.
Russell, John. The New York Times, February 25, 1983, Section C, Page 1.
Swift, Mary. “Jacob Kainen and George McNeil,” Washington Review, Feb-March 1982, p.26.
Wallach, Amei. “Wallach/The Parrish’s Painterly Figures.” Newsday, Sunday August 7, 1983.
McNeil, George. “One Painter’s Expressionism,” George McNeil Expressionism 1954-1984, 32 page catalogue for the exhibition at the Artists’ Choice Museum, New York, September 22- November 10, 1984, pp.8-9.
Brenson, Michael. “Art: Expressionism and George McNeil,” The New York Times, October 5, 1984.
Adams, Clinton and George McNeil. “ The Artist as Lithographer: A Conversation,” The Tamarind Papers, 7:2. (Fall 1984) 40-46.
Brenson, Michael. “Art: Expressionism And George McNeil,” The New York Times, October 5, 1984.
Gibson, Eric. “The Art of George McNeil,” The New Criterion, November 1984. 57-60.
Henry, Gerrit. “George McNeil,” Arts Magazine, December 1984, p.19.
Mitchell, Fred. “A School for New York – George McNeil,” Art/World, January 15, 1985, pp. 1,3.
Hurlburt, Roger. “Emotional Impact packs a Visual Punch.” Fort Lauderdale News and Sun-Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale), Sunday, February 17, 1985.
Ratcliff, Carter. “George McNeil,” The Journal of the Artst’s Choice Museum, Fall 1984, (Article published in 1982 Fort Lauderdale catalogue, reprinted with interview).
Fraser, Kennedy. “Profiles: The Light in the Eye,” The New Yorker. Pg. 57-106. November 10, 1984. McNeil mentioned pg.105. A Profile of Norman Parkinson with description of a McNeil painting.
Tamarind Institute, “The The Tamarind Papers” Volume 7. Number 2. Fall 1984.
Brenson, Michael. "Gallery View; Expressionists Who Point Up Each Other's Strengths." The New York Times, July 21, 1985, Section 2, Page 29.
Cameron, Dan. “Content in Context: The Retrospectives of Leon Golub and George McNeil,” Arts Magazine, March 1985, p.115-118.
Kent, Sarah. “Selections and Reviews.” Time Out, London. December 4, 1985, P.31
Vreede, Caroline. "McNeil's Landscapes Now In Vogue." Press and Sun-Bulletin (Binghamton), March 1, 1985, p. 20.
Russell, John. “Art: New Paintings by George McNeil,” The New York Times, January 25, 1985.
Cohen, Ronny. “George McNeil/Gruenebaum,” ARTNews (April 1985), 141.
Forman, Debbie. “Figuratively Speaking: P-town Exhibit on ‘new’ expressionism of the ‘80s shows roots in the fertile, golden years of the ‘50s,” Cape Cod Times, July 4, 1985.
Raynor, Vivien. "Art; Sculpture, Drawings and Paintings, Too." The New York Times, July 14, 1985, p. 11.
Lucie-Smith, Edward. "American Expressionism." American Art Now, New York: W Morrow, 1985.
Temkin, Ann. “George McNeil,” 4 Issue, Fall 1985, pp. 36-38.
Raynor, Vivien. “Global and Satirical Images in Two Silvermine Shows,” The New York Times Section 12, March 6, 1986, 30.
Braff, Phyllis. “Getting a view of Provincetown,” The New York Times, July 6, 1986, p. 12.
Higgins, Judith. “Heroes of Myth and the Morning After,” ARTNews, September 1986, 90-99.
Brenson, Michael. “Art: Brooklyn Painters,” The New York Times, July 3, 1987.
“Warm Days Cool Art,” NYWoman, New York, July 8, 1987.
Schimmel, Paul and Judith Stein. Catalogue essays for traveling exhibition “The Figurative Fifties: New York Figurative Expressionism,” Newport Harbor Museum, Newport Beach, California, 1987.
Curtis, Cathy. "Insights to Figurative '50s: Artists at Newport Museum Relive Spirited New York Era," The Los Angeles Times, Wednesday, July 20, 1988, Part VI, 12.
Gramza, Janet. “Enduring Creativity from ‘Old’ Masters.” The Stamford Advocate, May 22, 1988.
Kimmelman, Michael. "Of the 50's, When Fortunes Shone." The New York Times, Friday, December 23, 1988, p. C36.
Brenson, Michael. “An Antic Hymn to a Never-Elegant New York,” The New York Times, Friday, January 20, 1989, C24.
Kingsley, April. Emotional Impact: The New York School of Abstract Expressionism. Moyer Bell, 1989
O’Beil, Hedy. “George McNeil’s New Work,” Manhattan Arts 6:1 (March 1989), 8-9.
McNally, Owen. “Resurrection of an Expressionist,” The Hartford Courant, Nov.15, 1989.
Zimmer, William. “The Lively Social Awareness of Two Veteran Painters,” The New York Times, Dec. 31, 1989, p. 14.
Anreus, Alejandro. “George McNeil: The Painter as Printmaker,” and “A Conversation with George McNeil,” catalogue essays for “George McNeil: Three Decades of Prints,” Montclair Art Museum, April 14-June 23, 1991 (catalogue misdated 1990).
Ruth K. Beesch. “Changing Perceptions. The Evolution of Twentieth Century American Art,” Greensboro, NC: University of North Carolina at Greensboro. 1990 pp. 78-9
Nemett, Barry. Images, Objects and Ideas: Viewing the visual arts (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston), 1991.
Brenson, Michael. “George McNeil,” The New York Times, January 11, 1991.
Haggerty, Gerald. “George McNeil: Hirschl & Adler Modern,” Manhattan Arts (February 1991) cover.
Robert Berlind. “George McNeil at Hirschl & Adler Modern,” Art in America (April, 1991), 165-66.
Kingsley, April. The Turning Point: The Abstract Expressionists and the transformation of American art (New York:Simon & Schuster) 96, 197, 270.
Santlofer, Jonathan. “Lions in Winter,” ARTNews, March 1993.
Kuspit, Donald. “The Ultimate Illogical Fling: George McNeil’s New Paintings,” catalogue essay for exhibition at the New York Studio School, 1993.
Kimmelman, Michael. “George McNeil,” The New York Times, April 2, 1993.
Baker, Kenneth. "George McNeil at Rena Bransten Gallery." The San Francisco Examiner, May 2, 1993, pp. 217–218.
Berlind, Robert. “George McNeil Interviewed by Robert Berlind,” Art Journal 53:1 (1994), cover, 55-57.
Bass, Ruth. “George McNeil ACA,” ARTNews (May?,1994), 156.
The New York Times, January 12, 1995, obituary.
Sandler, Irving. Art of the Postmodern Era: From the late 1960s to the early 1990s (New York: HarperCollins), 1996, Ch.8. (In Chapter 8, “American Neoexpressionism,” Guston and McNeil are discussed as the most important and influential older artists.)
Sandler, Irving, ed. Pintura Estadounidense Expressionismo Abstracto, Centro Cultural Arte Contemporaneo, A.C. Mexico, D.F., 1996, (577 page catalogue of the exhibition), pp.266-67, 424-20.
McNeil, Helen. "George McNeil, 1908-1995." Provincetown Arts, 12 (1996), p. 62.
Naves, Mario. "An Ongoing Viability." New Criterion (New York) 16 (May 1998), pp. 40-42.
Weil, Rex. “George McNeil,” ARTNews, October 1998.
The Hyde Collection. George McNeil: The Late Paintings 1980-1995. 40 page catalogue with essays by Eleanor Heartney and Jonathan Santlofer (Glens Falls, New York: The Hyde Collection), 1999.
Cohen, Mark Daniel. "Hopper House Art Center/Nyack: Leon Golub/George McNeil: prints and paintings." Art New England 20, 6 (Oct/Nov 1999), p. 45.
Morris, Stacey. "McNeil's Mastery." The Post-Star (Glen Falls, New York), Thursday, May 20, 1999, p. 34.
Provincetown Art Association and Museum. George McNeil: Bathers, Dancers and Abstracts. 36 page catalogue with essays by Peter Selz, Paul Resika, Lillian Orlowsky, Helen McNeil (Provincetown MA: Provincetown Art Association and Museum), 2002.
Naves, Mario. “An Artist’s Explosive Spirit -- and his Spirit of Resistance,” The New York Observer, May 13, 2002.
McQuaid, Cate. “A Paean to McNeil,” The Boston Globe, May 31, 2002.
Forman, Debbie. “McNeil’s World: Brilliant colors and perpetual motion,” The Cape Cod Times, June 29, 2002.
McQuaid, Cate. “An Abstract Expressionist’s Colorful Evolution on Canvas,” The Boston Sunday Globe, June 30, 2002, N4-5.
Art and Antiques, XXV: 9 (October, 2002), cover, 6.
Sandler, Irving. A Sweeper Up After Artists: A Memoir, Thames & Hudson, 2003, pp.16.33-4, 51 ,95 222.
Ebony, David. “George McNeil at Luise Ross,” Art in America, December 2003, p. 110-111.
Stevens, Mark and Annalyn Swan. de Kooning: An American Master Alfred A. Knopf, 2004, pp.102, 124-28, 130-1, 168,175,218,219,291,349.
Perl, Jed. New Art City: Manhattan at Mid-Century, New York: Alfred A. Knopf (2005), p.126.
Panero, James. "Avec la main gauche," New Criterion (New York) 23, 7 (March 2005), pp. 46-48.
Pavia, Philip. Club Without Walls: Selections from the Journals of Philip Pavia, Midmarch Arts Press, New York, 2007, passim.
Naves, Mario. “George McNeil at Salander-O’Reilly Galleries, Inc.,” The New York Observer, January 28, 2007.
Cowan, David, ed. “George McNeil: TRANS/FIGURE/ATION:Oil paintings created between 1959 and 1971,” with essays by Eleanor Heartney and Helen McNeil, ACME Fine Art and Design, Boston MA, 2011, 79 page catalogue.
Herskovic, Martika. American Abstract and Figurative Expressionism: Style is Timely, Art is Timeless, New York School Press, NJ, 2009. pp.164-7.
McQuaid, Cate. "The Evolution of a Figure Painter," The Boston Globe, February 23, 2011.
McNeil, Helen. "George McNeil's Trans/Figure/Ations," Provincetown Arts, Vol 22, 2011-12, pp. 80-81.
Hirsch, Faye. "George McNeil" Art in America, May 2011, review and illus.
Doran, Anne. “George McNeil,” Art in America, April 25, 2011, Ill in color George McNeil: Dazzling Disco #2, 1984, oil, sand and twine on canvas, 64 by 72 inches; at Katharina Rich Perlow.
Cathleen Chaffee, Eye on a Century: Modern and Contemporary Art from the Charles B. Benenson Collection at the Yale University Art Gallery (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 2012), 174, ill.
Ratcliff, Carter. “The Insider’s Outsider,” Art & Antiques, June 2014. Cover, 64-71.
Dorfman, John. “Strike through the Mask!” Art & Antiques, June 2014, 18.
Allender, Paul. “Abstract/Figurative: the work of George McNeil” Turps Banana, Issue 26, December 14, 2022.
Cercone, Katie. "Discos and Dancers: Pulse of the Next Generation?" Art 511 Magazine, May 9 2024.
Gemima, Clare. "Interview with Helen McNeil: Clare Gemima guided a conversation with late artist George McNeil's daughter." White Hot Magazine (New York), May 9 2024.
Naves, Mario. "Works of George McNeil, and Under-appreciated Hometown Boy, Highlight a Healthy Gallery Season." The New York Sun, Friday, April 5, 2024.
Storer, Abraham. "An Abstract Expressionist Turns to the Figure." Provincetown Independent (Provincetown, MA), October 16 2024.